Flint Maternity

We finally got around to taking maternity photos at 37 weeks pregnant. My brother was in town and he is always our backup photographer when I can't do it or need photos of all 3 of us together. He takes the photos of all three of us together. Then either him or Steve take the photos of me and I take the photos of Steve and Averi. It is a group effort when we do our photos. Haha. Then I go home and edit them all.

We found a beautiful new location with white cherry blossoms in the Denver Tech Center. I loved my dress from Wren & Ivory! It is such a soft material and I absolutely loved the shade of purple that it came in. And the best part is that it was only $38.00! Averi's dress is from Old Navy and I loved how our dresses complemented each others. Daddy of course is always super easy to dress because he has lots of colored shirts. 

Averi is so excited to be a big sister and just wants baby sister to get here. She wants to help feed baby sister and give her a binky when she cries. She is going to be so helpful. 

~ Strawberry Blonde Photography of Colorado  ~


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